I just love doing dances of victory. When I was in high-tech, I did "Engineering Dances of Victory" when I bested a particularly complex problem. Now, I get to do "Satisfied Customer Dances of Victory" These come from retailers who place an order, distributors who are interested in carrying my product and customers who choose to purchase the
Hold-it! Game Card Organizer.
This past weekend, I was at
U*Con in Ann Arbor, MI. I believe it is hosted by a local gaming club up there, and would appreciate if someone could supply me with the link (I couldn't find it after a quick search on the U*Con Gaming page).
Of course, the folks there were fantastic. The volunteers were wonderful and the exhibitors were great. I loved chatting with the folks from the
Michigan chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism that were there.
On Saturday night I hosted "Cities, Knights and Boats", a combination Cities and Knights and Seafarers game, by
Chris Hawks. One young fellow, Steve, showed up with a ticket and we lassoed in two more fellows, another Steve and his friend, Lou. Steve (not "Young Steve") asked if I was affiliated with the Hold-it! Game Card Organizer, so I had to tell him I was. He had hoped to ask me what I thought of it because he saw the ad and discussion on BoardGameGeek.com and wondered about it (See the
previous post on that topic). He was clearly dubious about its utility.
Well, we played together, everyone played really well, and during the course of the game, Steve said, "Well, it seems silly, but I've got to admit, this thing is really cool." Yep, just by playing with it for half a game, Steve was converted.
At the end, I asked him what he thought. Steve replied, "You know, it really helps the game. What I hated about Settlers was the mess of cards, and this just solves that perfectly."
Steve liked it so much, that he posted his own, unsolicted comments on the
Board Game Geek thread and then went on to purchase his own Organizer. Thanks, Steve!
Hence, the dance of joy mentioned earlier. The Hold-it! Game Card Organizer really is great. I am very proud of this product. It improves game play of an already fantastic game, it is well designed so it works really, really well, and it is incredibly durable so it will give
you years of enjoyment!